Submit your entry

Ready to submit your creation for the event? Please fill out the form below!

As a reminder, you can participate by joining the blog carnival, sharing holiday traditions, making graphics, or joining the "Secret Santa" gift exchange! Be sure to include how you'd like to be credited if you want attribution. Remember, the submission cutoff is on January 10th, so we can have some time to code the final event display page, so try to get your submission in before that date!

If joining the "Secret Santa" gift exchange, please make sure you'll have time to make something, and remember that gifts should not be physical or monetary in nature (they are meant to be digital creations, like art, poems, etc.). Secret Santas will be notified by December 30th, so if you want to participate, be sure to submit before then.

This could be your Discord username or preferred email.

Include things like your favorite foods, music, fandoms, places—ideas someone can use for creating your gift!

* You can submit multiple entries in the same form as long as you separate the URLs in the Submission URL field. Otherwise, feel free to submit separate forms for every entry.